My Story


I entered the medical field to heal myself. I always had a lifelong interest in the health and wellness space, but my own experience with illness is what finally pushed me to make the commitment to this path. I first began using acupuncture and herbal medicine when I lived in Seoul, South Korea. It had such a transformative effect on me that I applied to school immediately after coming back home. I spent my weekends while in school taking extra coursework in functional medicine, nutrition, and meditation. I began to see my healing as a mind-body-soul project and worked to educate myself on every level that I could.

I spent almost a decade struggling with an autoimmune disease before I reclaimed my health using the principles I now use with my patients. At the age of 20, I began experiencing debilitating fatigue, low mood, brain fog, and weight gain. I went to many doctors who told me that I just needed to take a nap or rest. I even received medical advice to “wait and see” if the disease went away on its own. So I suffered another five years thinking my mind and body were weak and couldn’t persevere through this illness. As the years progressed, I began to identify as a sick person and I stopped being able to imagine living a fulfilling, energetic and happy life. 
Today, I am living from a place of true vitality and health. I have learned how to care for myself in a way that allows me to live a full and satisfying life and my mission is to help you find this place of vitality for yourself. Each person is unique and your path will be different from mine, but the basic principles of achieving vitality remain the same. I believe strongly that we all deserve to live with this feeling. Life should not feel as though you are swimming against the tide. So let’s get started, shall we? I would love to help guide you on your health journey!



Professional Bio:

Dr. Juliana King, DACM is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and primary care provider. Additionally, Dr. King is certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She holds a Doctorate degree, specializing in integrative medicine, from Pacific College of Health and Science. In her career to date, she has completed thousands of treatments and seen a huge variety of conditions from mood disorders, autoimmune conditions and hormone imbalances to neck and back pain. She completed two externships as a part of her 2,000-hour clinical training. She worked six months at the Walt Disney Family Cancer Center alleviating the side effects of her patients’ cancer treatments and three months at Being Alive, a service organization for those suffering with HIV/AIDS. As a volunteer for the Global Healthworks Foundation, she served on two medical aid missions to treat rural Guatemalans lacking access to medical care. Additionally, she spent two months in Nepal working as an acupuncturist in a rural hospital with Mindful Medicine Worldwide. She has completed a 10 day residential silent meditation retreat as taught by SN Goenka, and incorporates mindfulness practices into her personal and professional life.

Additional Education:

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